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How to effectively maintain the PU airport waiting chair 3 seater

2019-06-01 11:21:08
As a waiting chairs 3 seater, PU is an industrial material that is used by manufacturers in different industries, including public airport seat manufacturers, because of its high plasticity.
The use of Pu waiting chairs 3 seater is more and more frequent, especially airport chairs, hospitals, high-speed rail stations, etc.
Maybe you want to know if it is difficult to clean and maintenance? Some cleaning and maintenance methods that can be used every day.
1、Wash with detergent, but remember not to scrub with gasoline or detergent containing gasoline.
2、Select a rag and the washing temperature does not exceed 40°.
3、Must avoid sun exposure.
4、Do not expose it to organic solvents.

waiting chair 3 seater, airport waiting chair

waiting chair 3 seater, airport waiting chair

waiting chair 3 seater, airport waiting chair

waiting chair 3 seater, airport waiting chair