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What functionality does a good public seat bring to people's life?

2023-07-25 09:01:27
Author: airport chair

Imagine any particular public space you know: it might be a street corner, a playground, or the plaza outside a building. And these public spaces all have a common feature - there are public seats. What kind of functionality do public seats serving in different types of public spaces bring to people's lives? That is: social function, use and activity function, convenience and relevance, and comfort and image.


Social features:

 As a public medium, public seats bring the distance between people and cities closer. On the public seats, it is inevitable to meet strangers sitting together. In order to allow a certain space and comfort between each other, in the design, the armrests and shelves are cleverly used to rationalize the distance between people and form a comfortable and comfortable public environment.

public seats


Purpose and activity functions:

 People may think that the only use of public seating is to rest, but it is not. In addition, public seats can also assist public places to hold different types of activities, such as auditorium chairs, theater chairs, single-person waiting chairs, etc.


Comfort and Image:

 Whether the public seat is comfortable, whether it can show itself well, and whether it has a good image are the keys to the success of a public seat. Comfort includes perceptions of safety, cleanliness, and the importance of letting people choose where they want to sit is often underestimated. And public seats can please people with the first impression, which can improve the limited utilization rate of public space.