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Classification and characteristics of public seats.

2023-12-27 08:57:07
Author: airport chair

Seats are furniture products, andpublic seats refer to seat furniture used in public places. Public seats are a niche industry segment in the furniture industry, but they are indispensable furniture for life. Products, so what are the public seats?


Public seats can be divided into three major categories according to their use in different situations:


1. Auditorium chairs (used in auditoriums, theaters, cinemas, conference halls)

public seats


2. Waiting chairs (in airports, terminals, hospitals, stations and other public places)


3. Desks and chairs (desks and chairs for school teaching)


The basic characteristics of public seats are to adapt to the needs of most people and be beautiful and elegant. In view of the high frequency of use of public seats, they generally need to be strong and durable, as well as easy to clean and simple to maintain. In some special public places, it also needs to meet the needs of professional use. For example, in cinemas, non-reflective materials need to be used.