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Humanized design of waiting chairs in bank lobby

2020-07-22 10:31:53
The bank lobby waiting chair design injects the iconic lightness and elegance into the waiting area system. The waiting chair provides special comfort due to the cantilever frame, and its stability and strong materials easily meet the stringent requirements related to public waiting areas.
The waiting chair combines high comfort (cantilever frame) and is easy to maintain. The elegant design hides the technical complexity and makes it easy to assemble.
How to choose a style reasonably:
1. The price is reasonable, and the quality of the product is satisfactory.
2. Choose according to your main color.
3. Choose the size reasonably.
4. Choose the material reasonably.
I believe everyone has seen what waiting chairs look like in the bank, and each bank has its own exclusive color, which is intended to match the bank’s corporate image, so they will customize their own corporate color when purchasing. Different materials will be selected according to the needs of each bank.
Bank waiting chairs, as the name suggests, are used in banks to provide people with waiting seats for business. They can also be used in airports, stations, and hospitals. So airport chairs, station chairs, and hospital waiting chairs are the same as bank waiting chairs. It’s just a different name.

waiting chairs

waiting chairs